Garden Butterflies, a beloved program for families with young children, is making a change this season. Due to the colder January weather, we have decided to postpone all January classes to March, when the Spring weather will be more pleasant for morning outdoor activities.
But don’t worry, there is still plenty of fun to be had in the garden this month! We are excited to announce a new series of events called Cider Sip ‘N Play Parties. These will take place every Monday at 5 pm, and the best part is that they are completely free!
Families can expect 45 minutes of entertainment, including live music and storytime with Tara, hot apple cider to warm up with, a scavenger hunt, and a chance to explore all of the treasures the garden has to offer.
To join in on the fun, simply register in advance. We can’t wait to see you at the next Sip N’ Play in the garden, and we look forward to resuming the Garden Butterflies Monday morning program in the Spring!